Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

Hello all, firstly I am new to Arduino, but am eager with the anticipation of Canbus for the Due as it will serve my application well.

While I can understand why some of you may require a shield to provide easy connectivity with a Canbus interface and the arduino due, could I ask what would be wrong with using something such as the below link for a canbus development module that appears to be quite cost effective to me + my application? I presume it would still work with the upcoming Due library?

SN65HVD230 CAN Board Network Transceiver Evaluation Development Module Kit 3.3V

To those developing the canbus library, keep up the good work, your efforts will very much be appreciated I'm sure as it will bring the simplicity of the other numerous other libraries to this very capable processor.

(not to be pushy, but do we have a timeline of when we may see a beta library, or an initial issue?)

Thanks in advance