library definition

Ok, I've done some tests, but I'm still getting somewhat of a problem.
So, I need to add another level of difficulty.
I have a very complex set of libraries.
The solution provided works if the function is called from withint the INO file itself, but does not work if another library is calling it.
What do I need to do so the define becomes globally visible by all libraries?
Let explain a little of what I'm trying to achieve and maybe you could point me to a better solution.
I have a very large code that I'd like to fit on a UNO board.
If I add all features of the code, it won't fit.
So, I have right now a header file located on Arduino\libraries folder that I can edit and #define which features should be included on the compiled code.
Everything is working really good, except that it makes it really hard to know which features you had uploaded a month ago after you have changed this header file and picked different features.
So, I'm trying to make it so I can pick features within the INO itself and making as simple as possible for the user and at the same time, saving the file would also keep track of which features that code was using.

Here is what my test stuff looks like:
INO file:

#define TESTING
#include <TestClass.h>
#include <ParentTestClass.h>

void setup()

void loop()

In the code above, it works if I call p.t.TestFunction(), but not if I use p.DoSomething().
Even though the DoSomething() function calls the same t.TestFunction()
Here are the supporting libraries:

#ifndef _TESTCLASS_H
#define _TESTCLASS_H

#include <Arduino.h>

class TestClass {
    byte TestFunction() {
		#ifdef TESTING



#include "TestClass.h"




#include <Arduino.h>
#include "TestClass.h"

class ParentTestClass {
	TestClass t;
	void DoSomething();

extern ParentTestClass p;


#include "ParentTestClass.h"


void ParentTestClass::DoSomething()
ParentTestClass p = ParentTestClass() ;