Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

Hello that_kid. I hope your foot is doing better. Here another picture of my second DIY pseudo CAN shield and a brief comparison between the two shields:

#1 Compact Prone to hot spots (soldering)
#2 Easy-to-assemble Bulky and messy

I think I'll be building an interface in the near future -so will be following this thread closely. I've messed about with CAN decoding in the past - using USB can interfaces ( Lawicwl CanUSB), and various monitoring / message filtering software. I hate being locked out of my car's software, so using DUE as a smart interface makes sense.
The mixture of 11 & 29 bit messages (and several different bus speeds) makes life pretty complex, and given that vehicle manufacturers like to hide useful features.. lets hope the energy & problem solving in the Arduino community can cut through the BS :slight_smile:
Lawicel do an AVR/CAN adapter, with some sample code available.
Also worth looking at :
With some contributions from Bosch - who started it all... open source code on github.
looking forward to see what libraries develop!
