Webclient W5100 shield works only on port 80? [SOLVED]

Have you tried changing "GET /search?q=arduino HTTP/1.0"?

I've changed 3 things in the sketch - ip of the server, port of the server and the get statement - the shield gets an ip from dhcp. I've tried "GET / HTTP/1.0" but also "GET /elog HTTP/1.0" and "GET /rover.asp HTTP/1.0" which all point to existing locations on the server. When I was using port 80 and forgot to change the GET sentence I got a 404 page. When I ask for a non-existing page in IE on the port 81 server I see a line in the log file for an invalid request but I don't get to that point with the Arduino - there is nothing in the log.

This is a W5100 shield which does not have a mac sticker on it - I have another arduino/ethernet shield combo with a mac sticker (so I assume they are different batches) which acts as an IR transmitter listening to http requests for sending out an infrared signal. I'll try that hardware tonight to see if it does anything different (getting a bit desperate now).

Thanks for helping out!