Static initialization of PGM_P in struct

Suppose I have a struct like:

struct SomeStruct {
	PGM_P name;
	// Other fields...

I would like to write:

SomeStruct s[] = {
	{PSTR ("One")},
	{PSTR ("Two")}

Unfortunately the compiler refuses to compile this. I can work it around with something like:

const char oneStr[] PROGMEM = "One";

SomeStruct s[] = {
	// ...

But it's a bit too complicated for my taste. Is there a way to put the strings inside the array declaration?

Thanks in advance!

I think that you should make the struct definition normally then put the array of structs into progmem with a progmem pointer to the array. Then structs and members can be addressed as offsets to the pointer in the normal manner.

OK, it seems there is no other way :(. Thanks WizenedEE.