1-Wire, DS18B20... How do I search the bus?

After reading the advice above and seeing that OTHER people have been able to make this concept work, I figured it HAD to be something I was doing wrong rather than a coding error in the library. (I couldnt see how I would be the first person to find the error)

I got frustrated with this whole problem this morning and did the following:

  1. Re-Downloaded the latest Arduino engine
  2. Re-Downloaded the OneWire library
  3. Went to the original source example for the onewire library and used that
  4. Ripped out all the hook up wires on the proto-board and replaced them
  5. Replaced the resister. Double checked it to be a 4.7k resister.

NOW I have 8 DS18S20's on the bus and they are reading properly. So I dont know which of the above made it work but it just does now.

I am going to work out how to get more room on my prototyping board and get more sensors onto the bus. Hopefully it reads all 15 of them. Then I can start playing with the actual production sensors.
I appreciate the time you guys have done on this!.