Power supply with Multiple Voltage Out ~ Help

A quick side question, how do you attach the link to "this"?
I like this Instructable, but as I said there are loads of them.

Drop the url into your post, then select it and tag it with the "Insert Hyperlink" icon, 3rd from the left above the :cold_sweat: smily.

You can leave it like that, but that doesn't do everything though, you need to edit the link to get your own text in... Replace the first ] with =, then put a ] right in front of the [ at the end and type your text in between. I'm going to put that below in code tags so hopefully what I explained appears as text not as a link!

Paste the link:
After tagging:
After editing the tags:
[url=http://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/m5/tutorials/tip122_transistor_tutorial.html]text goes here[/url]