
10-bit: 12-bit external DAC + possible op amp + emitter follower.

11-bit: 12-bit external DAC + possible op amp + emitter follower + 12-bit external ADC.

The "possible op amp" would be needed unless you are using the 5V version and it is lightly loaded.

When using a DAC, would that be connected to the Arduino output, and then to the rest of the circuit?
and im guessing the ADC will come before the HVM module? any examples on how to adjust the circuit, or what to add in to make these effective changes?

Also the op-amp i have, has 8 pins but only 3 is needed for the circuit (im presuming) but would i need to ground it too?

Also if another Arduino board was to be used (such as Due, which has a DAC) does that remove the need for an external DAC?