Arduino DUE + SD Card (On the Ethernet Shield)

Hi to everyone .

I have the following problem.

I want just to run the example of the SD card library called :

When I put the Ethernet shield on the Arduino DUE everything is working.

Than I need also to use an Arduino protoshield between the Ethernet shield and the DUE, so I made a connector on the Arduino proto shield between the ICSP pins of the DUE and the ICSP pins of the Ethernet shield.

The problem is that it seems that some pins on the protoshield are not connected together. In particular they are not connected:
the pin 13 and the pin 3 (SCK) of the ICSP pins
the pin 11 and the pin 4 (MOSI) of the ICSP pins.

For this reason I made those connections by myself but it is still not working. Do you know what am I missing?

thanks a lot,