Approach to computing a value once in a library?

I'll try to describe this the best I can...

Let's say my sketch has a constant "foo=100" and I have a library called "libby" with a function called "funk". Inside of funk there is a variable "boo" that will always be foo/2. My question is, what is the approach that would allow the computation to happen only once even though funk is called many times in the sketch.

For example, is this a valid approach?

#include <libby.h>
const byte foo=100;
libbyClass libbyObject;

#include "libby.h"

void libbyClass::funk(byte var){
static byte boo=var/2;

#ifndef libby_H
#define libby_H
#include "Arduino.h"

class libbyClass{

  void funk(byte var);

# endif


I'd have the sketch pass in the value through a constructor or configuration method, and design the sketch so that the value was only passed on once. In your example, calling funk() repeatedly from loop() doesn't make sense; it would be better called once from setup(), or pass the value in via a constructor argument.

I'd have the sketch pass in the value through a constructor or configuration method, and design the sketch so that the value was only passed on once. In your example, calling funk() repeatedly from loop() doesn't make sense; it would be better called once from setup(), or pass the value in via a constructor argument.

I think I understand how to make the computation in the constructor, however I am not at all clear how I should declare the variable "boo" in the libby.cpp and libb.h if I take that approach. Could you provide some guidance?


Like this:

class libbyClass
  const byte boo;
  // constructor
  libbyClass(const byte fubar) : boo (fubar / 2) { }
  // some method
  void funk();


void libbyClass::funk()
  Serial.println (boo);

const byte foo=100;
libbyClass libbyObject (foo);

void setup ()
  Serial.begin (115200);
  libbyObject.funk ();
  }  // end of setup

void loop ()  { }