SPI & ADCs: bit-banging vs SPI.h

Playback direct from flash would not be a problem then?

Was thinking buffer the whole sample to SRAM, did some searching and realized that SRAMs are not that big yet (ex 40k/second x 16/channel x 60 seconds/min x 4 min/song = 9.6Mx16/channel/song, while SRAMs are only 512x8, so would need a huge bank of them, x 2 for stereo).

For recording, the code can be written to do this kind of thing; would this work?

repeat while recording{

SD_CS low;

for (bytes = 1 to 512){
ADC conversions via I2C or parallel;
SPI write to Flash;
SD_CS high;

Would need code to append to existing file, however that works.