Total rewrite of the Arduino App needed!

The library concepts needs fixing. It is hard to write a library with code that can be reused outside the Arduino world.

Why do you want to do that? They are Arduino libraries. However having said that, I've made libraries to do generic things like do regular expressions and big numbers with no problems.

The idea of the sketches leaves me puzzeled too. Who came up with the wondrous idea, that any additional file used needs to be copied (<-- no joke ) into the sketch directory? A reusability nightmare!

For reusability, use libraries. For things that are part of one project, put them in the project directory. Sorry, but I don't see the problem.

This is a 32 kB processor (the Uno and friends are). You aren't going to need thousands of files, like you might for VB or some of the huge Microsoft projects.

The whole thing was designed to be simple for beginners. There are other IDEs around, including the development environment from Atmel. That is, no doubt, much more powerful, and correspondingly harder to use.