ShiftPWM support topic. Latest update: Schematics, high power LED's, LED strips

After 3 days of trying to get an Arduino Uno with a TLC5916IN with shiftPWM I still cannot get it to function properly. I am unsure as to where the problem even stems from, Although the code says to put ShiftPWM_invertOutputs = true for the tlc5916 when i do so my LED lights up when ShiftPWM.SetAll(0); when set at 255 my led is still dimly lighting and blinks on and off at a steady rate. Any intermediate value leads to the led blinking on and off in a non random pattern. I have constructed the circuit as per the instructions on the website including decoupling capacitors. Does the problem lie with the fact that I am using a single LED for testing rather than a common anode RGB led? After writing the above i think it makes sense that the LED is blinking the way it does as the load would normally be split by 3 and so the visible blinking from one would correspond to a dimming effect on an RGB LED. However I still do not understand why it the LED is on when it should be off (granted my understanding of how a common anode led functions is extremely limited) If its simply a matter of plugging in a RGB LED case I'm going to feel very dumb about wasting so much time trying to find a problem in my circuitry.