Simple MSGEQ7 tutorial

If anyone's interested, I wrote a short tutorial on using the MSGEQ7 and using them to make simple spectrum analyzers.

Very well done! - Also the other chapters are worth reading!
+1 :wink:

Good job as always. Your tutorials were great when I start with Arduino in January 2012 - I learned a lot quickly and I still use them as references. Keep it up!

Thank you. I'm in the process of updating them all, so they should be better in a month or two. :slight_smile:

If anyone's interested, I wrote a short tutorial on using the MSGEQ7 and using them to make simple spectrum analyzers.

I've followed this up with adding an RGB LED cube for the display effects:

Inspiring me to do some arduino. Thanks.

Hi @tronixstuff, I cannot access your links anymore. Did you remove them?