

Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, but I don't understand. I could use some help.

I'm doing a project where I am reporting the relative humidity and then sending that value to Xively data logging website. https://xively.com. I'm able to successfully connect to the website and send it data. However the data that I'm sending to the site is the raw data from the sensor. A raw value may look like anywhere from 375 to 650. I want to send a value like 47% relative humidity. In the code its calculating the voltage and relative humidity and displaying in the serial monitor, it's just not being sent to the website, which is what I want. How do I send to Xively the relative humidty value?

The serial monitor displays the following text.

Starting single datastream upload to Xively...
Read sensor value 635.00

Uncalibrated: Sensor Voltage = 2.59V Relative Humidity = 52.73%
Calibrated: Uploading to Xivelyxivelyclient.put returned200



Humidity_ver1_3.ino (2.4 KB)


Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, but I don't understand. I could use some help.

I'm doing a project where I am reporting the relative humidity and then sending that value to Xively data logging website. https://xively.com. I'm able to successfully connect to the website and send it data. However the data that I'm sending to the site is the raw data from the sensor. A raw value may look like anywhere from 375 to 650. I want to send a value like 47% relative humidity. In the code its calculating the voltage and relative humidity and displaying in the serial monitor, it's just not being sent to the website, which is what I want. How do I send to Xively the relative humidty value?
The serial monitor displays the following text.

Starting single datastream upload to Xively...
Read sensor value 635.00

Uncalibrated: Sensor Voltage = 2.59V Relative Humidity = 52.73%
Calibrated: Uploading to Xivelyxivelyclient.put returned200



Humidity_ver1_3.ino (2.4 KB)

You have to provide links to the non-standard libraries you used:

#include <HttpClient.h>
#include <Xively.h>
#include <HIH4030.h>

In the code its calculating the voltage and relative humidity and displaying in the serial monitor

Do you recognize the code that is doing this?

Perhaps this bit:

void printSensorData(HIH4030 hygrometer) {
  Serial.print("Sensor Voltage = ");
  Serial.print("V  Relative Humidity = ");

Store the values somewhere, and print the stored values. Then, you can use those same values when sending the data to the server.

How do I send to Xively the relative humidty value?

"How do I use a library that no one has heard of to do what I want?"

Perhaps you start with posting a link to the library. Just a thought.

Another merged thread.