I have a "newbie" question about battery current

Estaba hablando de que si da más amperaje del que el aparato electrónico soporta.

If you know the volts and the resistance then you know the current that will pass.

Is the current too much? That depends only the device, it has nothing to do with the power supply.

eg. If you have a 5V, 1000000000000000000000000000 amp power supply connected to a 100 Ohm resistor then only 0.05 amps will flow. No more, no less.

You seem to know Ohm's law, but you don't yet believe it.

I = V / R, aplicando al circuito si la intensidad interna de la batería es baja, podrá dar más amperios.

No. If the voltage is lower, the amps will be lower.