want your own "scientific" paper?

just for fun - SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator -

sometimes when I see questions on the forum I think there is just an Arduino question generator bot active :wink:

The boss wanted a whitepaper on something or other one time, we gave him one of those. I love what it does in the references section.

The references are very amusing. A whole lot of stuff is considered harmful, or no longer harmful:

A. Perlis, "Public-private key pairs considered harmful," UC Berkeley, Tech. Rep. 4221, June 2005.

P. Zhao and L. Subramanian, "Replication no longer considered harmful," in Proceedings of POPL, May 2003.

A. Turing, F. Zheng, and D. Ritchie, "Redundancy no longer considered harmful," Journal of Perfect, Large-Scale Theory, vol. 0, pp. 1-16, Oct. 1996.

J. Miller and R. T. Morrison, "Superblocks no longer considered harmful," IEEE JSAC, vol. 20, pp. 45-53, Feb. 2004.

A. Pnueli, J. Smith, and P. ErdÖS, "Multicast systems considered harmful," Journal of Pseudorandom, Homogeneous Theory, vol. 42, pp. 150-192, Apr. 1990.

That's hilarious.


just for fun - http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/scigen/ -

sometimes when I see questions on the forum I think there is just an Arduino question generator bot active :wink:

Sometimes I think some of the responders are bots as well. :wink:

I see Alan Turing and Dennis Ritchie in there. It'll also mix in the authors' names you give it, so you can end up co-authoring something with some pretty impressive folks! :smiley:

I tried to google on the references today

from NIck's mail - "Replication no longer considered harmful" - there is a real (?) paper with that subject :slight_smile:

Well, there's probably a paper: "Coffee no longer considered harmful."


Some things like that they seem to flip-flop on a monthly basis!

Everyone I know who drinks coffee is of that opinion. I'm thinking it can't be good for our minds long term.

Everyone I know who drinks coffee is of that opinion. I'm thinking it can't be good for our minds long term.

My only advice to you is to be damn sure to not place yourself between me and the coffee pot when I first get up in the morning. Never drink the stuff after noon. :wink:


Reminds me of a joke I told a while back after seeing a biology lab device named autolab. I was joking that it would have an ethernet connection and automatically submits papers based on results it tests. I'll definitely check out this auto paper gen. The example paper looks very nice and the tone of the language sounds the same to other sci type papers I've read, at least to someone speaking English as a second language.

The Considered/No longer considered harmful thing is a well known CS in-joke:

Ah yes, very amusing. In particular the paper:

'GOTO Considered Harmful' Considered Harmful.

Followed up by:

'"GOTO Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful' Considered Harmful?

On my first platform, the Atari 800, there wasn't even a GOSUB in the ROM BASIC. So the way to do a GOSUB was to set a variable before doing your GOTO to the "subroutine" and at the end of the "subroutine" do a pseudo-return like:

IF rp=1 GOTO 130
IF rp=2 GOTO 780
GOTO 1830


The code for my bulletin board was a freaking mess. But it actually worked and ran for months between reboots.

The code for my bulletin board was a freaking mess. But it actually worked and ran for months between reboots.

That was one of the reasons for structured programming paradigm, to remove spaghetti monsters from the code. :wink: