Heart Rate Logger

since youre heartrate is not likely to go beyond 255 while you're sleeping, a single reading fits into a byte. You should be able to store all the readings on the arduino itself, since this would a little bit more than 1 kb.

//here we store the data
byte heartBeats[1440];

for(int i=0;i< 1440;i++) {
  //Receive the heartbeats for the last 30 seconds from the monitor
  delay(30000);  //Wait 30 seconds

When you wake up you connect the arduino to your computer and send the data one by one with Serial.Write()
This way you don't have to sleep beside your notebook- (or worse your desktop-) fan.

When you save your data every 30 seconds, you can simply write down the time when you went to bed, otherwise you have to add a real time clock chip to your arduino. (Code for this is somewhere in the playground-section)
