// reeftank controller guidance plz

here is what i think you mean by skeleton code. the keypad on the display isn't as necessary as the light timing, i can change the times and stuff with the coding, once i have it that is....
i don't want any one person to build the code for me, but if i can get a collective of people to help piece it together, i will be able to "learn as i go".
so... if someone has a portion that might help, my fishies will thank you :wink:

//start clock
//start display
//check temp
//diplay time and temp
//temp sensor in display tank for water temp display
//temp sensor on light fixture for fan control
//fans come on when lights are too warm
//the light fixture temp sensor doesn't need a display function
//lights are blue and white, two sets of each
//blues will be on with whites at all times and off at night
//sump lights are seperate
/*sequence is : 8 am first blue on,
9 am sump off and second blue on,
10 am first white/blue on,
11 am second white/blue on
//all lights on for four hours
/*after four hour on time,
3 pm the first set of whites go off,
4 pm second set of whites go off,
6 pm the first blues go off,
7 pm the sump comes on,
7 pm the second blues go off.
/the lights are one hour intervals except for the all on time
starting at 8 am and the last set of blues