CodeBlocks Arduino IDE - real C++ IDE for Arduino development (rev.20130827)

@Stanley firstly, thanks for this excellent project. Came across this, thanks to another post on arduino forums.

Have gone through this entire thread, and did see one reference to what I was looking for, but no clear answer. So kindly bear with me on these questions about ArduinoDev CodeBlocks IDE (I call it ACI for rest of my mail).

  1. Standard ArduinoIDE has settings to select the Arduino board type. How come, there is nothing similar (or that I could find) on ACI ? In the project creation Wizard, I see only 2 choices "Standard (8-bit AVR)" and "Due", however even between the 8-bit AVR boards/uC's there's a lot of difference in terms of peripherals, pins etc.

  2. To use non-standard arduino-core's like MIT's High-Low Tech (HLT) arduino core for attiny45/85 or @CodingBadly's Arduino-tiny core ? Is there any way to use those cores ?

  3. Was curious about how to add custom Arduino libraries, but I found the answer in one of the replies in this thread. (Just to show that I've read through :slight_smile: )

  4. Do you plan to set up a FAQ re your IDE ? This thread is currently 5-pages long, and not difficult to miss some point in an answer. A FAQ, when you get time, would be so useful.