make code smaller

Jantje wrote and quoted:

Quote from: rockwallaby on 19 February 2013, 20:38:26
If he is, then I think it just comes down to unhealthy programming practice.

I do not agree it is a unhealthy programming practice. I like verbose information and there is nothing unhealthy about it. If you put all those strings in flash memory you quickly fill up the memory. Then avrdude will refuse to upload the program stating it is to big.
The F() macro was introduces around 1.0 to fix this problem and since then I have been using it intensively keeping verbose feedback and "small programs".

Sorry Jantje, I think you misunderstood, I did not mean using flash memory instead of ram was bad, rather that the code as presented by the OP was generally constructed using 'bad programming practices'.

Look through his code for a few minutes and I think you will agree, that firstly it is difficult to read and understand and with a lack of code commenting, but more importantly, he is using recursive calls back into the same function, as I pointed out to the OP some posts back.

I too like a degree of verboseness in terms of commenting my code.

Yes, putting constant data in flash memory can help and is generally a good idea, but I doubt it will help sort out the problems with the program as presented by the OP.

So, wdvalenz, can you let us know how you are progressing with this code?


P.S. I'll take a peek at your blog today with interest.