Work For Hire $$$ - 1 Proximity Sensor, 4 Stepper Motors, & 1 LCD

Hi all,

I am interested in hiring an Arduino programmer to assemble and design a sketch, which controls four stepper motors using one proximity sensor and displays the distance.

The project is to develop a multi-camera rig for stero photography.

The purpose is to control the angle of multiple cameras that are each attached to a stepper motor in a single row. The stepper motors angle calculations are based on the serial output by the centrally-located proximity sensor. So the closer the detectable object, the greater degree of angle. I assume a trigonometry sketch will likely need to be incorporated. Also, the precise degree of movement will require the stepper motors to be setup with microstepping.

I can provide the parts, which currently includes Arduino Uno, Adafruit Stepper Controller (Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino kit [v1.2] : ID 81 : $19.50 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits), Maxbotic Range Finder (, etc. The items will be shipped with a return box and label for convenience.

Please email me at with any bids, questions, and/or additional parts (e.g. display model, stepper motor model).


Ryan Peterson

Note that the stepper controller you specify can control "Up to 2 stepper motors (unipolar or bipolar) with single coil, double coil or interleaved stepping." Perhaps you will want a shield that can control four. Or you could get external stepper drivers (not a shield) and run wires to them.

If your LCD does not have an I2C or other serial interface you will likely run out of pins.

You have not said anything about what data appears on the LCD.

Also, that motor driver is only for very small stepper motors. What size stepper motors do you have? How much current do they pull?

Is the stepper motor directly carrying the camera, or is there gearing involved?

I'm concerned that you have the wrong motor driver for your project.

Stereo usually only uses two cameras, is this for robotics use?

Thank you for your replies and email. Unfortunately, I have limited experience with Arduino and electronics alltogether.

Stereo usually only uses two cameras, is this for robotics use?

You are correct, but the build is for stereo lenticular photography, which requires more parallax than traditional two-view stereo cameras.

Perhaps you will want a shield that can control four. Or you could get external stepper drivers (not a shield) and run wires to them.

I searched for Arduino Uno motor shields for more than two stepper motors, but couldn't find any.

I have decided to go another simpler route: two stepper motors w/ timing pulleys and belts. With that said, I don't believe I'll be needing to hire anymore.

Everyone on the Arduino Forum is always helpful and I appreciate it a lot! Thanks again!

I searched for Arduino Uno motor shields for more than two stepper motors, but couldn't find any.

There are plenty of non-shield options that drive one stepper each. Connecting 4 or more of them to one Arduino is easy.

I have decided to go another simpler route: two stepper motors w/ timing pulleys and belts. With that said, I don't believe I'll be needing to hire anymore.

I think Rube Goldberg tried that. I wish you better luck.

You might be able to use only one motor to move all five cameras, if all you want is to turn them.


Try GRBL Shapeoko CNC Router, Rigid, Accurate, Reliable, and Affordable
It's for control of three or four stepper motors, for the proximity sensing you will need to #include something for it.
I suggest you look into the "Easy-Driver" for the project, the drivers will handle Nema17 motors I use them for a small two axis addon for my Drill-press.

Hope this helps!