car parking using Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Distance Sensor For Arduino

The specs claim this ultrasound is 40kHz.

I've tried putting drops of water on the transducer element and at that point it just stopped working (gave me a 0 cm response). Now going from transducer to air to water to air might not be a good idea as the interface between each medium would give a pretty strong reflection with little energy going through.

I guess there are two directions I can go at this:
1- test by nearly submerging the ultrasound elements in hotglue so that the sound wouldnt have an interface when coming out and would go straight to the outside world --> this will permanently mess it up if it doesnt work

2- place the transducers deeper in the bumper so that they are more protected from rain and maybe put them in a tube to protect them from most rain direction

still no response from manufacturer