RFID Video Daemon


I have renamed my files to file1 and file2 which is a lot more practical than the original way.

An error is produced when it is run, not when the tag is used.

I am recieving a NullPointerException at synchronized(playingMovie)

Apparently it is a runner exception.

Movie playingMovie; //the pointer to the actual playing movie, no movie = null

i make an introduction movie to run on startup if the problem is there is no movie, this will graphically look better.

This is brilliant, the buffer functions is really good idea, the Serial Event is also amazing.

Here is what I have tried:

void setup() {
// Open whatever port is the one you're using.

myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 2400);
myPort.buffer(10);//that means don't call serialEvent until 10 carater are recived

//here load and put all movie in the map.
listOfMovie.put("3600A9C9F8", new Movie(this, "file1.mov") );
listOfMovie.put("0000000000", new Movie(this, "file2.mov") );
///etc etc
playingMovie = new Movie(this, "intro.mov");

When the playingMovie = new Movie(this, "intro.mov"); line is added there is not a null pointer in playingMovie variable, even though it doesnt play the video.

Your code is amazing and i appreciate it greatly.

Is arduino more for robotics rather than software applications?

It just won't read the output correctly.

Thank you.