Vaisala WXT520 weather sensor

  1. Baud rate is "19200" and I know that END marker should be CR+LF. I've used '\n' but I don't think it's detected properly. My code is working when I'm using another PC, if I type a couple of characters and hit 'enter', Arduino receives it OK and all looks well (even if I comment '\0' line). So, I'm thinking that Vaisala device "can't hit 'enter' " or I don't know how to capture it, or how to mach the end of data.
    When I did some testing using PC2 and opened a file from SD card (using Notepad++) I can see that every line that was received by Arduino is ended with CR+LF, so '\n' should be OK for 'end of data marker', but I can't figure out why it's not working when Vaisala is attached :frowning:

  2. I need to send "0XR" command every time when I want new data from Vaisala. So, whenever I read one set of data, I need to send new request (pool the data) in order to receive new set of data. My idea is to set the delay at the end of loop(). If I want to query for data every 10 seconds, delay would be (10000). If there is some other solution I'll be glad to try it.

  3. about sprintf() - will take a look and try to understand why it is better (this part in my code, and almost everything else, is copied from existing examples).
    I'll do my best to make some progress, thanks a lot for all the comments and suggestions PaulS !!!