Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

I think, at this moment, an overview of this project would help to clarify and provide some answers for the latest posts:

My original goal was to find a tinker way to communicate the two little "CANRX" and "CANTX" of the new Arduino Due. I did read in the Arduino site that there was no API available for that. I ran through this forum and found nothing in progress. I asked Massimo about it and he invited me to contribute doing so. I started to look for prior arts regarding the integration of SAM family cores and the CAN protocol and found SAM3X-EK development board and Atmel ASF CAN library. This forced me to re-align my original goal with Atmel's goal which is: to show how to configure the two CAN controllers and how to manage CAN message transfers. Then I started to port the Atmel sample to Arduino IDE. I worked alone for a month, posting my progress here in the forum. During this exercise, I didn't imagine that this way was the hardest road. Finally, I made Due to read/write CAN messages, but at a cost: ~40 files (50% Atmel, 50% Arduino). Even though I followed Massimo recommendations trying to minimize the library, I couldn't reduced them too much. So, I asked him and Cristian for help. They did put me in contact with the Atmel engineer that developed the CAN sample. I gave him the files and he started to redo pretty much everything. As I mentioned before, he already built the shield and is doing now tests. He is a leader, an expert with CORTEX-SAM and a hard worker.

Like you guys, I am waiting for the final CAN API. In the meantime, my role these days has been to motivate the making of the shield, which is a must.

All I can say is that Arduino want to release a solid CAN API, providing to this community a good start in working with the CAN protocol. It is a fact that not everyone knows CAN, like some of us. In this way, it will be easier to digest/optimize/learn/test/develop the protocol. And that's when you will be very valuable with new ideas/applications and supporting others that want to learn. Thanks.