Official Wifi Shield Disconnect and Reconnect Problems


Make the following changes to your arduino library copy of webduino webserver.h with notepad so it will run with the wifi shield:


#include <EthernetClient.h>
#include <EthernetServer.h>

//replace with

#include <WiFi.h>

//and farther down

// remove:

  EthernetServer m_server;
  EthernetClient m_client;

//replace with:

  WiFiServer m_server;
  WiFiClient m_client;

to program ssid and password use the examples in the arduino sketches:

// enter the user name and id in the arduino sketch definitions

char ssid[] = "2WIRE222";     // network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "5555555555";   // network password

// then in the void setup():

status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

There are good examples of setting up the wifi shield ssid and pass in the arduino wifi shield documentation on the arduino web site.

You can use the example arduino sketches in the github library for webduino as a starting point for your own sketches. I used the sketch "Web_Demo.ino" as the starting point for mine.

I still have not achieved true bulletproof reliability with the wifi shield. My systems always fail after a number of days.