Timer Library for Arduino DUE

Obs.: This is very weird, because i didn't saw your project on github before doing my library, and the name is the SAME! =]

Yea, I noticed that too. I don't know what happened there. I think our libraries do essentially the same thing. I think I like yours better because it follows the object oriented format that the timer libraries on the older Arduinos use. The only thing I would like to add to your library is the chunk that picks the best clock to use based on what frequency the user inputs. This was suggested to me by another user, and it results in a smaller clock error. That is the "pickClock" function in my code. Any thoughts on that?

Again, nice work on the library. I would be more than happy to join you on your library, if that is the format that everyone likes better. I did mine as purely functions, you did yours with timer objects, which I think is closer to the Arduino standard.

Does everyone generally agree on this??
