NewSoftSerial Library: An AFSoftSerial update

Questions for the Arduino world at large:

  1. Has anyone experienced the kind of lockup in AFSoftSerial that etracer describes?
  2. Please let me know if you
    a. notice any difference in behavior between AFSoftSerial and NewSoftSerial.
    b. have successfully tested multiple instances of NewSoftSerial.
    c. have any observations about baud rates that don't seem to work reliably with either AFSoftSerial or NewSoftSerial.


I have tested both AFSoftSerial.h and NewSoftSerial.h with 2400 baud rate for a Parallax RFID reader. Both produce lockups - although they seem to lock at slightly different points in the code. The exact same code works perfectly with SoftwareSerial.h

I am using OSX 10.4.11 with Arduino 0012.
