5x5x5 LED cube - video

That is so fascinating!!! This is exactly what I wanted to do. I'm currently a freshman in college learning all this as a computer engineering major. So, I don't really have the knowledge of the circuitry and programming, but I am getting there. I really want to make several 5x5x5 LED cubes for my friends as a christmas present! I'm just searching for the best instructions to work off of. I think this is perfect. I don't really have a XML reader for the link that you shared with the components list and PCB. Any suggestions? Also, would you mind if I asked a bunch of questions in the next few weeks about the construction of the cube? I sort of want to know what I will be doing before I do it.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

I suggest you start here: Instructables 4x4x4 cube (http://www.instructables.com/id/LED-Cube-4x4x4/) as I did. If you want to open the file I included for my plan, click the Fritzing link and download it (free). That is the format for the file.

Funny, last weekend my son came over for the weekend from college to build one of these cubes. He liked it and wanted one as well.