I don't seem to understand C++

c++ stuff

I program in c and I cannot find any help with this problem in the C++ searches I have done.
I am accessing several DHT11 packages. I am using the dht11 lib which seems to be written in C++

I am trying to use a function to process the serial data received from each of the packages.

my problem is I am trying to use a pointer to each package's data.
proper includes

#include <dht11.h>

I declared the objects

dht11 DHT11one;
dht11 DHT11two;

//then within the loop I will call each one and send it to:

void loop
  int chk1 = DHT11one.read(DHTPIN1);
  int chk2 = DHT11two.read(DHTPIN2);
  doTemp( &DHT11one);
  doTemp( &DHT11two);

void doTemp(dht11 *DHT11chk)
  float aTemp = *DHT11chk.temperature;
  do other stuff ... (store the temperature in a array, calc the average and send it to a display)

I guess I do not understand C++ but this does not work. it tells me that DHT11chk is not declared within this scope

any and all help is appreciated!

Moderator edit:
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Author edit: clarify some information and correct a typo.

proper includes

What does that mean?

Even in C the parameter passed as a pointer would be declared as type *varname, not &varname.

Try to get a copy of Kerningham and Ritchie C 2nd edition to learn some basics about C pointers

also a good learner = http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cctype/

This is where you create an instance of the class.
dht11 DHT11one;

This could do without the &-symbol, if you have defined the function to take a reference to the instance in.
doTemp( &DHT11one);

But, if it says dht11 has not been declared, you must not have included a header before you created the instance in the first place. And the type name is case-sensitive.

The pointer symbol here looks a little weird, but it does depend on what the temperature is returned as from the library. I assume it's a float anyways, and I think it would work better without the pointer symbol for what you are trying to do with it.
float aTemp = *DHT11.temperature;