Seeedino Touch Screen V1.0 from Radio Shack

I had the same problem. I did a search of the wiki site and found this:


I'm sure I've tried that one also, but I've been all over Google, Arduino, Seeduino... I'm starting to get confused as to what I've done. I had an issue where I inserted a folder called TouchScreen in my Arduino's library, but it didn't show up when I restarted. So now I'm re-organizing the folders to a "save" folder and trying to start all over again. Seems if you have a folder called TouchScreen and you try to rename it TouchScreen 2 and then add a folder called TouchScreen, it won't show the new TouchScreen folder when you re-start. I was able to get the new TouchScreen folder to show if I completely changed the name of my original TouchScreen folder to something like DonotDelete.

Like I said, I've been killing myself over this for a few days and trying everything except what works.