Loop Back Test - Sticky?

You certainly have a valid point. Unfortunately, the Arduino folks call them "pins" A. I prefer to use the same term used in the rest of the Arduino documentation to avoid confusion B.

A Which has been a source of confusion even for advanced users (Did you mean "physical pin" or "Arduino pin"?).

B Oh, the irony!

Warning: if you are deaf you won't hear it.


As part of a previous job, I occasionally had to install a complete computer system (PC + custom software). I arrived at one of the sites and found the two operators. One of the operators ("Buddy") was bragging to the other ("Juan") about the new tires on his truck. He claimed to have reached more than 80 miles per hour and successfully navigated an especially sharp corner. I had a suspicion Buddy would need a bit more training than usual.

I carried in the various computer parts and connected them. When I left the office to get the software and some notes, the computer was fully assembled so I started it booting. I returned to the office to find Buddy waving the mouse in front of the monitor with a very confused look on his face. Juan watched for a moment and then told him, "Buddy, you have to drag it across the table." I very nearly burst out laughing; I had to actually cover my mouth. I turned around, walked out the door, sat down in my vehicle, and laughed my gut sore.

Despite his naiveté, Buddy was up to the task. He quickly learned, not only to use a mouse, but to use the software.

The moral of the story? While instructions like "Warning: mouse only functions correctly when used on a flat horizontal surface" are sometimes necessary, "Warning: if you are deaf you won't hear it" is probably over the top.