biwildered noob in need of hand holding (angle finding).

I was able to follow this tutorial.
Getting Started with Accelerometers and Micro-controllers: Arduino + ADXL335 | Chionotech

Did you get all the way through the calibration examples, so the output of the Arduino is 0.00 0.00 1.00 for the Z-axis straight down and 0.00 0.00 -1.00 for Z-axis straight up? If not, you will have to do that if you hope to have accurate angles.

Is there any hardware components out there that will output its current inclination in degrees without needing to be calibrated or converted?

Probably, but if you have successfully worked through calibrating your accelerometer, it takes only one or two additional lines in a program to output the tilt angle. You do need basic trigonometry skills, but there is plenty of introductory material on line if you search for "tilt angle accelerometer".

In outline, the task is pretty simple. For example, if you have the accelerometer so that the (X,Y) plane is vertical, measure the X and Y accelerations x_acc and y_acc. Then, in one arbitrarily chosen coordinate system

angle_in_degrees = 57.3*atan2(y_acc,x_acc);

In any case, you can't expect accuracy better than 1-2 degrees and to get that, you will have to average several measurements as the accelerometer is a bit noisy.