i2c and a Dallas RTC Anyone??

Bob thanks for your reply, the time display issue seems to be solved now.

What I am still struggling with is the module configuration. To set it to 17:31:00 Monday, 2-7-2007 I am doing the following on setup()

Wire.beginTransmission(104); // transmit to device #104, the ds1307
  Wire.send(0);  //sec
  Wire.send(31); //min
  Wire.send(17);  //hour
  Wire.send(2);  //day
  Wire.send(2);  //date
  Wire.send(7);  //month
  Wire.send(7);  //year
  Wire.endTransmission();    // stop transmitting

  delay(100); /* */

when printing back the values, I get:

21:05:32 Sunday, 2/2/2007

something its obviously not working.. :stuck_out_tongue: