U8glib: Graphics Lib for LCDs and OLEDs


I am always happy to support new displays with u8glib.

This is my usual procedure for adding new devices:

  1. Select a u8glib device which almost works
  2. Rename this device to the new display
  3. Fix display problems (garbage, display shift etc)
    4 Fix contrast issues

What is your impression? Which u8glib device would be a good starting point for the "Mini12864"?

One of your pics shows a perfect u8glogo: Mini12864 Blue Backlight Dots Graphic LCD Display Module –… | Flickr
But you did not mention the u8glib device.

Additionally i wonder about the version number v12.
Official download is here: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.
Latest version of u8glib is 1.08

All in all, there are good pictures and existing u8glib devices mostly work, so it should not be a big problem
to fix issues with your display.
