arduino 2.8'' TFT Touch Shield seeed

I have the following am a beginner of arduino
with the following components:

display and library:''_TFT_Touch_Shield
controller : uno smd and mega

now stands there Touch Screen Demo Sketch:
now I get error messages kopier and.

You can also download an example codes with draw texts, and there is also a folder with touchscreen h and cpp and tft h and cpp.
now I need to change seeduino at tft line mega
But how do I add this to my sketch than import or file?

Please help am already doing 24 hours and days
I get it really isn't...

now I need to change seeduino at tft line mega

What does this mean? What code are you trying to change?

There is in the
I need to change in the
tft file?''_TFT_Touch_Shield
please help

There is in the
I need to change in the
tft file?

Apparently, English is not your native language. Perhaps posting your question in your native language would help. Google translate works fairly well, for some languages, at least.

It would also help if you posted the exact error messages you are getting. The TFT library should work fine with the Mega.

have the following,
I have the Touch Screen Demo Sketch van seeed copied on my sketch,
I have the library code tft h file and toucscreen h file on my Desktop copieed (There was also a cpp file at)
and put this location on myn sketch include.
I have the following changes on myn demo screen sketch the 2the line # include < my location
\tft.h >
and 3 line # include< my location\touchscreen.h >.
Should I also change the 1 line # <stdint.h>.
Can you explain me how to do it or am I doing something wrong
I'm already busy days.
=( =( =( =( =( =( =(

Can you explain me how to do it or am I doing something wrong

How to do what? I can't tell if you are doing something wrong, because I don't know what problem(s) you are having.

Some simple steps.

  1. Post your code.
  2. If the code does not compile, post the error messages.
  3. If it does compile, explain what it is doing, and how that differs from what you want it to do.

This is tft demo sketch i have it copied f this on myn arduino sketch 1.0.1:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <C:\Documents and Settings\wp\desktop\TouchScreen.h>
#include <C:\Documents and Settings\wp\desktop\TFT.h>
//Measured ADC values for (0,0) and (240-1,320-1)
//TS_MINX corresponds to ADC value when X = 0
//TS_MINY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 0
//TS_MAXX corresponds to ADC value when X = 240 -1
//TS_MAXY corresponds to ADC value when Y = 320 -1
static unsigned int TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY;
//Touch Screen Co-ordinate mapping register
static unsigned int MapX1, MapX2, MapY1, MapY2;
// For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance
// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it
// The 2.8" TFT Touch shield has 300 ohms across the X plate
/* Usage: TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);
Where, XP = X plus, YP = Y plus, XM = X minus and YM = Y minus */
//init TouchScreen port pins. This would be reinitialized in setup() based on the hardware detected.
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(17, A2, A1, 14, 300);

void setup(void)
Tft.init();//init TFT
initTouchScreenParameters(); //initializes Touch Screen parameters based on the detected TFT Touch Schield hardware

Tft.drawLine(0,0,50,50,RED);//draw a 45degree red line point(0,0) to point(50,50)
Tft.drawVerticalLine(25,0,50,GREEN);//draw a vertical green line point(25,0) to point(25,50)
Tft.drawHorizontalLine(0,25,50,BLUE);//draw a horizontal blue line point(0,25) to point(50,25)

Tft.drawRectangle(50,0,80,50,WHITE);//draw a white rectangle, length=80(X-AXIS), width=50(Y-AXIS)
Tft.fillRectangle(0,50,50,80,CYAN);//fill a cyan rectangle, length=50(X-AXIS), width=80(Y-AXIS)

Tft.drawCircle(75,75,25,RED);//draw a red circle, circle centre(75,75) radius=25
Tft.fillCircle(150,100,50,GREEN);//fill a green circle, circle centre(150,100) radius=50

Tft.drawChar('S',0,150,2,RED);//draw a char, start from point(0,150) font size 2(1616)
Tft.drawString("Seeed Studio",8,166,2,GREEN);//draw a char, start from point(8,166) font size 2(16

void loop(void)
// a point object holds x y and z coordinates
Point p = ts.getPoint();

p.x = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, MapX1, MapX2);
p.y = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, MapY1, MapY2);

// we have some minimum pressure we consider 'valid'
// pressure of 0 means no pressing!
if (p.z > ts.pressureThreshhold)

void initTouchScreenParameters()
//This function initializes Touch Screen parameters based on the detected TFT Touch Schield hardware

if(Tft.IC_CODE == 0x5408) //SPFD5408A TFT driver based Touchscreen hardware detected
#if defined(AVR_ATmega1280) || defined(AVR_ATmega2560)
ts = TouchScreen(54, A1, A2, 57, 300); //init TouchScreen port pins
ts = TouchScreen(14, A1, A2, 17, 300); //init TouchScreen port pins
//Touchscreen parameters for this hardware
TS_MINX = 120;
TS_MAXX = 910;
TS_MINY = 120;
TS_MAXY = 950;

MapX1 = 239;
MapX2 = 0;
MapY1 = 0;
MapY2 = 319;
else //ST7781R TFT driver based Touchscreen hardware detected
#if defined(AVR_ATmega1280) || defined(AVR_ATmega2560)
ts = TouchScreen(57, A2, A1, 54, 300); //init TouchScreen port pins
ts = TouchScreen(17, A2, A1, 14, 300); //init TouchScreen port pins

//Touchscreen parameters for this hardware
TS_MINX = 140;
TS_MAXX = 900;
TS_MINY = 120;
TS_MAXY = 940;

MapX1 = 239;
MapX2 = 0;
MapY1 = 319;
MapY2 = 0;

This is tft fil.h on myn desktop:

ST7781R TFT Library.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

#ifndef TFT_h
#define TFT_h

#define MEGA

//Basic Colors
#define RED 0xf800
#define GREEN 0x7e00
#define BLUE 0x001f
#define BLACK 0x0000
#define YELLOW 0xffe0
#define WHITE 0xffff

//Other Colors
#define CYAN 0x07ff
#define BRIGHT_RED 0xf810
#define GRAY1 0x8410
#define GRAY2 0x4208

//TFT resolution 240*320
#define MIN_X 0
#define MIN_Y 0
#define MAX_X 240
#define MAX_Y 320


#define DDR_CS DDRB
#define CS_BIT 0x04
#define CS_HIGH {PORT_CS|=CS_BIT;}
#define CS_LOW {PORT_CS&=~CS_BIT;}


#define DDR_RS DDRB
#define RS_BIT 0x08
#define RS_HIGH {PORT_RS|=RS_BIT;}
#define RS_LOW {PORT_RS&=~RS_BIT;}


#define DDR_WR DDRB
#define WR_BIT 0x10
#define WR_HIGH {PORT_WR|=WR_BIT;}
#define WR_LOW {PORT_WR&=~WR_BIT;}


#define DDR_RD DDRB
#define RD_BIT 0x20
#define RD_HIGH {PORT_RD|=RD_BIT;}
#define RD_LOW {PORT_RD&=~RD_BIT;}


#ifdef MEGA
#define DDR_CS DDRB
#define CS_BIT 0x10
#define CS_HIGH {PORT_CS|=CS_BIT;}
#define CS_LOW {PORT_CS&=~CS_BIT;}


#define DDR_RS DDRB
#define RS_BIT 0x20
#define RS_HIGH {PORT_RS|=RS_BIT;}
#define RS_LOW {PORT_RS&=~RS_BIT;}


#define DDR_WR DDRB
#define WR_BIT 0x40
#define WR_HIGH {PORT_WR|=WR_BIT;}
#define WR_LOW {PORT_WR&=~WR_BIT;}


#define DDR_RD DDRB
#define RD_BIT 0x80
#define RD_HIGH {PORT_RD|=RD_BIT;}
#define RD_LOW {PORT_RD&=~RD_BIT;}


#ifdef MAPLE
// not yet implemented

/Macro definitions for char display direction/
#define LEFT2RIGHT 0
#define DOWN2UP 1
#define RIGHT2LEFT 2
#define UP2DOWN 3

extern unsigned char simpleFont[][8];

class TFT

void init (void);
void sendCommand(unsigned int index);
void sendData(unsigned int data);
void pushData(unsigned char data);
unsigned char getData(void);
unsigned int readRegister(unsigned int index);

void setXY(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY);
void setPixel(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY,unsigned int color);
void drawLine(unsigned int x0,unsigned int y0,unsigned int x1,unsigned int y1,unsigned int color);
void drawVerticalLine(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY,unsigned int length,unsigned int color);
void drawHorizontalLine(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY,unsigned int length,unsigned int color);
void drawRectangle(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY, unsigned int length,unsigned int width,unsigned int color);
void fillRectangle(unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY, unsigned int length, unsigned int width, unsigned int color);
void drawCircle(int poX, int poY, int r,unsigned int color);
void fillCircle(int poX, int poY, int r,unsigned int color);
void drawChar(unsigned char ascii,unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY,unsigned int size, unsigned int fgcolor);
void drawString(char *string,unsigned int poX, unsigned int poY,unsigned int size,unsigned int fgcolor);

void all_pin_input(void);
void all_pin_output(void);
void all_pin_low(void);

void setOrientation(unsigned int HV);
void setDisplayDirect(unsigned char = LEFT2RIGHT);
void exitStandBy(void);
unsigned char DisplayDirect;

extern TFT Tft;


this is touchscreen file:

// Touch screen library with X Y and Z (pressure) readings as well
// as oversampling to avoid 'bouncing'
// (c) ladyada / adafruit
// Code under MIT License

class Point {
Point(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t z);

bool operator==(Point);
bool operator!=(Point);

int16_t x, y, z;

class TouchScreen {
TouchScreen(uint8_t xp, uint8_t yp, uint8_t xm, uint8_t ym);
TouchScreen(uint8_t xp, uint8_t yp, uint8_t xm, uint8_t ym, uint16_t rx);

bool isTouching(void);
uint16_t pressure(void);
int readTouchY();
int readTouchX();
Point getPoint();
int16_t pressureThreshhold;

uint8_t _yp, _ym, _xm, _xp;
uint16_t _rxplate;

this is error;
cpp; in function 'void init touchscreenparameters()':
70; class tft has no member named ic_cod
=( =( =(

this is error;
cpp; in function 'void init touchscreenparameters()':
70; class tft has no member named ic_cod

You know, there is a reason why we ask you to post EXACT error messages. That is NOT the error message you are getting.

The function initTouchScreenParameters() tries to reference Tft.IC_CODE. Tft is an instance of the class TFT.

If you look at the TFT class definition, you'll see that it does not have a member named IC_CODE, so the compiler is perfectly correct.

On the link to the library that you showed, there is this:

Ask questions on Seeed forum.

The Seeed forum is NOT at

The function initTouchScreenParameters() tries to reference Tft.IC_CODE. Tft is an instance of the class TFT.

IC_CODE is only present in the old pre Arduino 1.0 TFT library, the newer library for Arduino 1.0 does not contain this reference. It looks like the demo sketch your using is for the older library. FYI I compiled ALL the demo's supplied with the Arduino 1.0 compatible libraries (Touch & TFT) without problem.

what can i need then is ther arduino sketch compiler 1.0? or

If you need a simple GUI library for the v1 SeeedStudio 2.8" TFT Touch Screen check out this lib I just put up:

also you can see a little video of it at:

what can i need then is ther arduino sketch compiler 1.0? or

Sorry automotive78 I missed your reply and the thread did not get flagged up again until zparticle replied.
The TFT driver and Touch libraries along with examples I got from this page''_TFT_Touch_Shield_v2.0#Software_Installation

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but some specifically direct and clear guidance would be greatly appreciated. I purchased a bunch of Arduino stuff (ie..:two UNOs, a Seeed TFT Shield, Seeed Relay Shield, and a Seeed GPRS Shield, as well as books, ARDX kits and basic electronics starter kits, etc...). - Back to the horse..... mine was never alive :frowning: . I have the Uno Rev.3, and thee TFT shield V1.0. I have read countless posts on MANY forums (Seeed included). I CANNOT achieve anything but a white screen. I had errors at the beginning, but now I am getting no errors, and still, I am seeing a white screen. I have tried various IDE versions, library installations, sketches, etc... Does anyone have this touch screen shield and have you ever got it to work???? If you are willing to help, would you be willing to guide me from the very beginning? If I were to just open this Shield out of the package, have it sitting next to an Arduino Uno R3, Arduino IDE 1.6.7 freshly installed, what do I do next? ANY help will be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!

some specifically direct and clear guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Start your own thread! Is that clear enough?