Smooth animation with an 8x8 RGB LED matrix

This looks great!

Once my 8x8 matrix arrives, I'd like to try to adapt it as an interactive nightlight, where new particles would be triggered if a PIR motion detector is triggered while ambient light is low. I was thinking I might be able to accomplish this by updating your "Flame.ino" example (arduino-particle-sys/Flame.ino at master · giladaya/arduino-particle-sys · GitHub). In that example, some of the parameters for the particle system are established in Setup:

source.x = 112;  
source.y = 1;  
Emitter_Fountain::minLife = 20;  
Emitter_Fountain::maxLife = 80;  
Particle_Std::ay = 1;

I was thinking that I could add some lines to Loop that would adjust these continuously. For instance:

if (triggerPin == HIGH && ambientLight <= lightThreshold) {      //assuming these are all defined elsewhere...
   Particle_Std::ay = 1;
else { Particle_Std::ay = 0; }

I expect this would leave the particles at the bottom of the display most of the time, but then they'd shoot up when the PIR is triggered in the dark.
Any ideas or suggestions for a more elegant implementation, or smarter usage of the library? Thanks! I'm looking forward to experimenting with this.