This cheap?!


However, in my case, the I get the deals I do because I am not "shopping" for items in the normal way. I sometimes get items at what has to be far below cost to produce.

I have to watch myself as I will impulse buy just based on the 'wow how can they sell that thing at that price'. Latest example was a little more cost then I usually impulse at but I couldn't resist this very versitle 20 watt buck switching regulator with adjustable current limiting and voltag/current output display. The thing arrived this morning in the mail and it's all they said it is and I've been playing and turning pots and having a great time with it. Can anyone say they could built this thing for $12?

Wow, that's a great deal! I think I need a couple of those. I have several higher voltage power bricks from days past that I could recycle.