Small potentiometer range to give full 0-5V?

Thanks guys for the replies sofar.

@Grumpy_Mike: Not sure what other vital information I'm with holding :slight_smile: I just don't have spare pins and want to stick to using the analog input. Another consideration is that encoders needs to be reset every time to find reference and the absolute one might be low cost, bust still expensive in time spend building and setting it up.

@silverxxx: You right about wanting to swing to close to the supply rails and use a low supply voltage. I remember something that the output becomes too erratic?

hmmm :slight_smile: I've been looking for a solution for this for a while now. Looks like I then have to either get an actuator made for this, or go the mechanical way of increasing the travel of the pot.
Another idea I'm working on is using a slider pot, it has a shorter travel.