Fast 16bit ADC using Arduino Due and AD977

Hello Goan

The SPI.transfer() function library description says that the "(10,0x00)" parameters start the byte transfer by pulling pin 10 low from its normal high state. Using "(10,0xFF)" would not do this and would mess up the SPI timing. Therefore the invertor is necessary.

Incidentally, I have written a fast VB.NET terminal for my PC and have tested all the available baud rates. Not all the fast ones work but 460800 does! This is great because it allows a wider bandwidth, giving a Nyquist frequency of a few KHz. I think this is because the Due's 460800 rate may closer to the PC's than the others but am not sure. I understand that baud rates are often only approximations to the specified SPI rates). The Due's 460800 baud rate does not work with my off-the shelf terminal (Realterm).

Does anybody know how to combine a VB.NET terminal with a good realtime graphics display package, maybe "Processing"??
