
I don't know if some of you are using the xPL protocol ( http://xplproject.org.uk/ ) ?
xPL is an open protocol intended to permit the control and monitoring of home automation devices.

Here is an implementation for arduino : http://code.google.com/p/xpl-arduino/

Some Features:

  • No link with hardware, work with wiznet, ENC28J60, ... shields
  • Auto send heartbeat messages and answer to heartbeat request
  • Parse received xPL messages and send result to a callback define by you
  • Send xPL message

Hope it can help someone :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for sharing.
We are watching this protocol for our domotic framework Freedomotic.com.
Can it be used as a complete emulator?

Sorry, what do you mean by "complete emulator" ?


nice project. I've done somenthing similar in the Souliss project where I've a protocol called MaCaco and a virtualized network called vNet. If you would, you may try to integrate your protocol over vNet to let different devices Ethernet and Wireless p-to-p 2.4 GHz communicating over your protocol, vNet manage the bridging and routing.

If I've understood correctly, your protocol is ASCII based. Am I right or is a binary one?
Which is the RAM footprint?



If I've understood correctly, your protocol is ASCII based. Am I right or is a binary one?
Which is the RAM footprint?

Yes xPL is ASCII based. It's a bit verbose so perhaps not the better protocol for a small embbeded system. But it's already support by several home automation systems and devices. I think it's good for interoperability.
I'm trying to do some optimization at the moment.