Uploading .ino files without starting arduino.exe

Yesterday, I made a little Java program that uploads (.ino to ->).cpp files remotely to any Arduino board. If one might be interested how I figured out how to do this, the .java file is in the attachment aswell as a jar file that can be run.

Little tutorial:

  1. Upload the file first to the Arduino via the Arduino IDE. Make sure verbose is on for compile. Enable this in at the tab file -> preferences. hit the checkbox for compile.
  2. Copy the path to the buildxxxxxxxxxxxxx.tmp folder. You can find this path somewhere between the lines in the verbose output. This path should look like this: C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Temp\build3834200296320359542.tmp if you are on Windows, but I'm sure that this file is also somewhere located on other OSs.
  3. Copy that folder to your desktop, remove the .tmp extention, run the java program and follow the instructions. Make sure you know what you are doing ; )

The arguments that are send via the little java program are the commands to upload the file.


UploadtoArduino.java (6.21 KB)

UploadtoArduino.jar (4.86 KB)