ShiftPWM support topic. Latest update: Schematics, high power LED's, LED strips

I have tried many things, none of which have worked. I think I first tried to unzip as user, and it wouldnt let me unzip it to /user/source/arduinio/libraries, so I unzipped it to a folder on my desktop. Then I logged in as root, and copied that folder (ShiftPWM) to /usr/source/arduino/libraries, changed ownership to root recursively, changed group to root recursivly, and changed the file permissions to reflect what other file permissions were in the same directories. When that didnt work, I looked around and found an examples directory, and put the 2 directories that were in the examples folder, into the /user/share/arduino/examples directory

/usr/share/arduino/examples$ ls
1.Basics 4.Communication 7.Display ShiftPWM_Non_Blocking
2.Digital 5.Control 8.Strings ShiftPWM_RGB_Example
3.Analog 6.Sensors ArduinoISP

It still didnt work.

/usr/share/arduino$ ls examples hardware lib libraries reference tools

/usr/share/arduino/libraries$ ls
ArduinoTestSuite examples Matrix ShiftPWM Sprite
EEPROM Firmata SD SoftwareSerial Stepper
Ethernet LiquidCrystal Servo SPI Wire
/usr/share/arduino/libraries$ cd ShiftPWM/
/usr/share/arduino/libraries/ShiftPWM$ ls
CShiftPWM.cpp examples pins_arduino_compile_time.h
CShiftPWM.h keywords.txt ShiftPWM.h

I just tried copying the ShiftPWM directory to the examples directory and no luck there too.

So, I have a copy of the ShiftPWM directory in /usr/share/arduino/libraries, and a copy in /user/share/arduino/examples, and I have a copy of the exampes directorys also in there.

I have an old mac that I was able to install it on, and i was able to get it working on a couple test fixtures I setup, but I still wont work on my main computer.

This version of arduino software is 0022ubuntu0.1 It says alpha. Its THE version available for ubuntu.

If I click sketch/import library, it shows the ShiftPWM library, so the program does see stuff I added, but fails when I try it, and doesnt show up in my examples menu.