BDI3000 on an Ardunino Due?

I know it sounds a little crazy to use a ~US$3000 piece of test kit on a ~US$50 board. But I already own an Abatron BDI3000 JTAG debugger with firmware that should work on the Cortex-M3 on the Arduino Due. I was wondering if anyone had tried this before and figured out which if any of the existing register definition and configuration files worked. Would save me a lot of time and guess work. Web and forum searches don't suggest anything. Thanks for any pointers. (If I write about this on my blog, I'll for sure give credit where credit is due.)

I'm using a much less expensive JTAG debugger but i can tell you it works very well. I'm using a segger j-link.
I'm using it with atmel studio 6.1. You have examples for the arduino due..very easy to use. Uploading is fast so is debugging.

The brochure mentions Cortex so most likely. Using this 0.1" center 20 pin to 0.05" center 10 pin adapter should work fine.


Hi mehdio and Chip Overclock,

I would like to know which IDE you used for debugging purposes.


Gilles Plante

Mehdio already mentioned one that he used. I have the same setup and it works great. Compile, program flash and even single step code!


I'm using a much less expensive JTAG debugger but i can tell you it works very well. I'm using a segger j-link.
I'm using it with atmel studio 6.1. You have examples for the arduino due..very easy to use. Uploading is fast so is debugging.


I should have read more carefully :blush:.


Gilles Plante