Native port driver BSoD

The question is, I double checked the "\arduino-1.0.2\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino\USBCore.cpp" file for the Leonardo and Micro, but they have the same class 2 definition if CDC_ENABLED? So what is different here that makes it work?

The reason is works on Leonardo is because of the following differences between Leonardo USBCore.cpp:

		if (setup.wLength == 8)
			_cdcComposite = 1;
		desc_addr = _cdcComposite ?  (const u8*)&USB_DeviceDescriptorA : (const u8*)&USB_DeviceDescriptor;

and Due USBCore.cpp:

		TRACE_CORE(puts("=> USBD_SendDescriptor : USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE\r\n");)
		if (setup.wLength >= 8)
			_cdcComposite = 1;
		desc_addr = _cdcComposite ?  (const uint8_t*)&USB_DeviceDescriptorA : (const uint8_t*)&USB_DeviceDescriptor;
                if( *desc_addr > setup.wLength ) {
                    desc_length = setup.wLength;

When I captured a USB protocol trace on my system, setup.wLength was 18 for the Get_Descriptor request.

Therefore, on Leonardo, setup.wLength will not equal 8 and _cdcComposite will not get set to 1. So the function will return USB_DeviceDescriptor, which has the Device Class set to 0.

On Due, setup.wLength will be greater than or equal to 8 and _cdcComposite will get set to 1. So the function will return USB_DeviceDescriptorA , which has the Device Class set to 2.

If the Arduino only wanted to expose a CDC interface, then a Device Descriptor with a Device Class of 2 is correct.
If the Arduino is exposing more than one interface, then it should only return a Device Descriptor with a Device Class of 0. This indicates that each interface will specify its own class information and operate independently.