Serial Comm with XSens Motion Tracker

i have had these problems, too, but found the reasons of this behaviour: the xsens communicates over uart with the standard rs232 voltage level. this means the input from arduino to MTi-G has to be

  1. 2.0V to 25.0V ('1')
  2. -25.0V to 0.6V ('0')
    the voltage between 0.6V and to 2V is not defined. and this is because the mti-g never received his GoToMeasurement or other messages from the arduino to start. the other direction is not as critical as this. i used a level shifter (Maxim Max232AEPE) between and it works.

another thing is the order of data. in the "mt low-level communication protocol documentation", page 27... the order of data (MTData frame) is described with 1. GPS PVT data (44byte) 2. Temp (4bytes float) 3. ...
but this is not correct. the order has to be 1. Temp 2. GPS PVT data ...

hope i could be of help,