Menu for Display


So far your code seems quite ok. The callback procedure will store the date into the RTC once the ok button is pressed.

For the time menu, you probably need to consider which elements are needed on your menu.
If you need only hour and minutes than two U8NUM elements will do the job (similar to the data entry, but different ranges)
Of course you will need again a cancel and an ok button.

You can takeover the date code and transform it like this:

M2_U8NUM(el_dt_hour, "c2", 0,23,&dt_hour);
M2_LABEL(el_dt_c, "b1", ":");
M2_U8NUM(el_dt_min, "c2", 0,59,&dt_min);

M2_LIST(list_time) = { &el_dt_hour, &el_dt_c, &el_dt_min};

The rest should be almost identical to the date menu. Of course element and procedure names need to be renamend.


Edit: Hour and Minute ranges