'pulseTime1' was not declared in this scope

so I have a lot of code, and won't bother posting all of it here....I'm running Arduino 17 (the latest AFAIK) and I'm getting the error "'pulseTime1' was not declared in this scope" when I run it. I've seen this problem when trying to call a function with an older form of IDE, but this is weird. Here's the includes at the beginning

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

and here's the function I'm having problems with. Help?

void run_sonar(){

    pulseTime[i] = 0;

  // send the sensor a 10microsecond pulse:
  digitalWrite(INIT_PIN, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(INIT_PIN, LOW);

  // wait for the pulse to return. The pulse
  // goes from low to HIGH to low, so we specify
  // that we want a HIGH-going pulse below:

  pulseTime1 = pulseIn(ECHO1_PIN, HIGH,30000);        //times out after 30us.
  pulseTime2 = pulseIn(ECHO2_PIN, HIGH,30000);
  pulseTime3 = pulseIn(ECHO3_PIN, HIGH,30000);

  // the distance in inches from the object
  // is uS/148

  objDistance1 = pulseTime1/148;
  objDistance2 = pulseTime2/148;
  objDistance3 = pulseTime3/148;

error: 'pulseTime1' was not declared in this scope

I suspect this will help...

  pulseTime[1] = pulseIn(ECHO1_PIN, HIGH,30000);        //times out after 30us.
  pulseTime[2] = pulseIn(ECHO2_PIN, HIGH,30000);
  pulseTime[3] = pulseIn(ECHO3_PIN, HIGH,30000);
  // ...
  objDistance1 = pulseTime[1]/148;
  objDistance2 = pulseTime[2]/148;
  objDistance3 = pulseTime[3]/148;

oh God....how did I do that...

Not enough coffee? :wink: