Whats with the anti-arduino sentiment?

The customer draws some scheme from functional blocks, on-line in the browser, then click 'Buy' and after near half a day one get ready board in a box, after day or several - ready to use device in the stylish case.

The software side is already starting to get there. For example, Sprog! and Scratch, while mainly aimed at teaching programming, are a great proof of concept, along with more advanced-user-friendly tools like Yahoo! Pipes. Even Google got in on the action with App Inventor for building Android applications. With all of these, there's very little traditional programming; instead, they're visually modelling the logic involved: drag, drop, done.

We're a little behind on the hardware side, but all the underlying pieces are already there: low-cost 3D printing, low-cost CNC, low-cost board fab, and this idea of stackable/reusable hardware. The next 10-20 years are going to be pretty cool. :slight_smile: